BIFAST Payment out via API
Welcome to the API documentation for the BIFAST Standalone Service. The BIFAST Disbursement service offers two distinct packages: BIFAST Only and Regular APIs. The BIFAST standalone disbursement APIs are designed for all of BRICK’s users who wish to exclusively utilize BIFAST transactions for their disbursements. By utilizing BIFAST, users can benefit from real-time transactions at a significantly reduced cost.
Key Features of BIFAST Standalone Service:
- Real-time transactions
- Cost-effective pricing
This documentation will guide you through the integration of the BIFAST Standalone Service APIs into your application, enabling you to seamlessly manage disbursements using BIFAST.
Authorization and Failover Mechanism
Brick Disbursement requires authorization for each of our endpoints: BIFAST ONLY
. Users have the flexibility to choose either one or both endpoints to establish a failover mechanism for their transactions. However, we recommend implementing the regular disbursement endpoint as a failover mechanism due to certain limitations associated with the BIFAST endpoint.
Limitations of BIFAST Endpoint:
- Bank Destination List: BIFAST has a predefined list of supported bank destinations.
- Amount Limitation: Transactions through BIFAST are limited to Rp 250 million.
- Transfer Restrictions: BIFAST transactions cannot be directed to virtual accounts (VA) or e-wallets, except for DANA and ShopeePay.
To access the BIFAST API whitelist, users must undergo commercial and technical approval by the Brick team. Please contact us to initiate this process before attempting to utilize the BIFAST APIs.
Users have the option to configure their system to utilize BI-Fast only or both BI-Fast and Regular Disbursement endpoints, providing flexibility in transaction processing and ensuring robust failover mechanisms.
Updated about 1 year ago
After completing the initial steps of getting started and obtaining authorization, the next crucial phase is the integration process. During this phase, you will integrate the obtained authorization credentials and any necessary APIs into your application or system.