Testing your Integration
Testing in sandbox (Testing mode):
In sandbox to simulate payment to the virtual account you can’t use real money and the VA number generated is dummy. To do dummy payment that triggering status update to your callback URL, you need to call this endpoint to do it. You can input VA ID that you get when generated the VA first time.
Open VA:
- Status paid means the end user sends money to the virtual account number.
https://sandbox.onebrick.io/v2/payments/gs/va/open/status/{{vaId}} - Status completed means Brick already settled the money to your account.
Close VA:
- Status paid means the end user sends money to the virtual account number.
https://sandbox.onebrick.io/v2/payments/gs/va/close/status/{{vaId}} - Status completed means Brick already settled the money to your account.
Limitation on testing in sandbox:
Currently, BNI, Permata, CIMB Niaga, and Danamon are not supported in the sandbox.
Testing in production (Live mode) :
In production to simulate payment to the virtual account you can use real transfer money to the VA number and system will send the status update automatically to your callback URL 2 times. For status paid should be real time, but for status completed (settlement) will be based on settlement time agreed during contract or following default settings in this section.
Updated 24 days ago