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Account Detail - Get

Once you get the user access token using the widget, The Account endpoint allows developers to retrieve data associated with the specified ‘account_id’ in their backend.

Request Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
user_access_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header
accountIdStringUnique primary key for institute for which we want to fetch the details

Response parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
lastUpdateAtStringThe time stamp of when the data is last updated
sessionStringThe session status of the particular accounts to the institution
accountIdStringAccount Identification number from end-user's bank account
accountHolderStringAccount holder from end-user's bank account
accountNumberStringAccount number from end-user's bank account
addressStringAddress of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
phoneNumberStringPhone number of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
emailStringEmail of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
balances-availableFloatEnd-user's balance amount that is available to use
balances-currentFloatEnd-user's balance amount that includes "balances-available" and "on-hold amount"
ktpNumberStringId of user's KTP
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!