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Employment data - Income Information

This API helps you to get past income data of your end-users.

Request parameters

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
user_acces_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header

Response parameters

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
companyNameStringName of the company
monthNameString- Date of the payment (for BPJS account)
- Year of tax report (for DJP account)
salaryString- Amount of gross salary received Monthly (for BPJS account)
- Amount of gross salary received Annually (for DJP account)
bpjsCardNumberStringBPJS number of the end user
(only applicable for BPJS account)
typeStringThe type of data source, "bpjs-tk" for BPJS account and "tax" for DJP account
institutionIdIntegerUnique Institution Id for every institutions
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!