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Get Institution List

This API will help to get a list of available institutions in Brick.

Request Parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
public_access_tokenStringToken that is required to connect Brick API

Response Parameters

Key parameterData TypeDescription
idIntPrimary key for institute
nameStringName of the institute
country_codeStringCountry code for the institution
country_nameStringCountry name for the institutions
bank_codeStringUnique code for institute
primary_colorStringPrimary colour used by institution
logoStringURL of Institute Logo
createdAtStringDate and time of the institution is up
updatedAtStringDate and time of the institution is updated
channelsStringInstitution name (e.g. Internet Portal or Mobile App)
isOcrActiveBoolOCR availability for the institution
automatic_verificationBoolAutomatic verification is available or not
pdf_verificationBoolPDF verification is available or not
passbook_verificationBoolPassbook verification is available or not
institution_typeBoolType of Institutions
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