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Brick Passport API

This API returns all previously connected account data of your users by providing PII (Email and/or Phone Number)

Request Parameters

Key ParametersData typeDescription
public_access_tokenStringPublic-access-token generated using your clientId and clientSecret
emailStringEmail of the users
phone_numberStringPhone number of the users
consent_idString[Mandatory] Partner generated consent identifier that is unique per user
consent_methodString[Mandatory] The consent method used to gather consent from user

Type of consent:
Physical Form - Signature
Web Application - Button Click
SMS - SMS Reply
Mobile Application - Button Click
Email - Email Reply
Voice Call - Voice Reply
Video Call - Video Reply

For example: if the consent is collected by Button Click in your Mobile Application, then please input "Mobile Application - Button Click" as the consent_method

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData typeDescription
institution_idIntegerThe identification of user's account institution
institution_nameStringThe name of user's account institution
institution_typeStringThe type of user's account institution
usernameStringThe username of user's account
user_access_tokenStringThe user access token of user's account.
(If null, then the account is not verified)
statusStringThe verification status of user's account
- "verified", means that the user access token can directly be used
- "unverified", means that a re-authentication is needed to get the user_access_token
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!