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Investment Data - Transactions PATCH MFA

This API helps you to get investment account's transactional data of your end-users.

Request parameters

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
user_access_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header
fromDateReturns transactions posted on or after this date. Default value is date as of the API request minus 3 months
toDateReturns transactions up to and including this date. Default value is date as of the API request
sessionIdStringUnique Id that generated after successful connection
tokenStringOTP from the end-user's investment account

Response parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
directionStringThe direction of transaction made
(buy / sell)
asset_typeStringType of investment asset
(stocks / mutual_funds / bonds)
nameStringThe name of the assets
(For example CPRO for stocks, BNI AM Dana Likuid for mutual funds)
typeStringThe type of assets
(For mutual funds example: Pasar Uang, Pasar Saham)
dateDateThe date of the transaction made
timeStringThe time of the transaction made
lotFloatThe lot amount of the assets
average_valueFloatThe initial average value of the assets
amountFloatThe amount of the transaction
feeFloatThe fee of the transaction
statusStringThe status of the transaction
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!