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Average Balance

The Average Balance GET API will allow clients to receive user authorized average balance.
It can be generated with selected period of month&year

Request Parameter

Key ParameterData typeDescription
user_access_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header
fromDate (MM-YYYY)Starting period of the requested avg-balance
toDate (MM-YYYY)Ending period of the requested avg-balance

Response parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
institution_idIntegerIdentification number of the transaction
accountIdStringEnd-user account number that is used to do the transaction
beginningBalanceFloatStarting balance for month
avgBalanceFloatAverage balance for month
endingBalanceFloatEnding balance of month
monthFloatMonth for which data is given
yearFloatYear for which data is given
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!