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Transaction and Balance Summary API

This API furnishes the data on monthly basics and helps you get the Beginning balance, Ending balance, Daily balance, Average balance, Income source, and expenses destination.

Request Parameters

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
user_access_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header
fromStringStarting date Form date(format - MM-YYYY)
toStringEnd date till you want a data(format - MM-YYYY)

Response parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
institution_idIntegarInstitution identification number
accountIdStringAccount Identification number from end-user's financial account
beginningBalanceFloatBalance on the first day of each month
avgBalanceFloatBalance at the end of each day and divides it by the number of calendar days
endingBalanceFloatBalance on the last day of each month
monthStringReturn Historical Balance based on this month
yearStringReturns Historical Balance based on this year
daily_balanceFloatBalance on the each day in one month
total_incomeFloatTotal amount of money received in one month
credit_transactionFloatTotal inbound transaction in one month
total_expenseFloatTotal amount of money sent in one month
debit_transactionFloatTotal outbound transaction in one month
top_income - sourceStringSource of income received by the user
top_income - frequencyFloatTotal inbound transaction received by the user from the particular source
top_income - total_amountFloatTotal amount of money received by the user from the particular source
top_expense - sourceStringDestination of outbound transaction done by the user
top_expense - frequencyFloatTotal outbound transaction done by the user to the particular source
top_expense - total_amountFloatTotal amount of money sent by the user to the particular source
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