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Transaction List - Get

The Transactions endpoint allows clients to receive user authorized transactions. Transactions data is standardised across financial institutions and accounts.

Request Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
user_access_tokenStringtoken generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header
fromDateReturns transactions posted on or after this date. Default value is date as of the API request minus 3 months
toDateReturns transactions up to and including this date. Default value is date as of the API request

Response parameters

Key ParameterData typeDescription
lastUpdateAtStringThe time stamp of when the data is last updated
sessionStringThe session status of the particular accounts to the institution
idIntIdentification number of the transaction
account_idStringEnd-user account number that is used to do the transaction
merchant_idIntegerMerchant identification number of the transaction
location_country_idIntegerCountry identification number of the merchant
location_city_idIntegerCity identification number of the merchant
outlet_outlet_idIntegerOutlet identification number of the merchant
amountFloatAmount of the transaction
dateStringDate of the transaction
descriptionStringDescription detail of the transaction
statusStringStatus of the transaction (Confirm or Pending)
directionStringDirection of the transaction (in or out)
categoryListCategory key
category_idIntegerCategory identification number of the transaction
category_nameStringCategory Name
classification_group_idIntegerCategory-group Identification
classification_groupStringName of the Category-group mapped with its id
classification_subgroup_idIntegerCategory-subgroup Identification
classification_subgroupStringName of the Category-subgroup mapped with its id
institution_idintid of the institution's transaction
reference_idStringunique Id that identify a transaction
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