Error Codes
Financial Institution ERRORS
Input Errors
These errors occur when you or your user have entered incorrect information. Please verify values in your request body and try again.
HTTP Status Code | Error | Description | How to Handle |
400 | BENEFICIARY_NAME_CHARACTER_LIMIT | The user provided a beneficiary name that contains too many characters. This Financial Institution only supports x number of characters. | Prompt your user to enter the beneficiary name again while limiting themselves to the required number of characters. |
401 | INACTIVE_ACCOUNT | Provided account number is incorrect or inactive. | Verify that the request body contains valid values for request parameters or contact your Financial Institution. |
401 | INVALID_CREDENTIALS | Your user entered invalid login credentials. | Prompt the user to try again. |
401 | INVALID_MFA | Your user has entered invalid MFA information (OTP, Secret Question, token). | Prompt the user to try again. |
404 | INVALID_ACCOUNT_ID | Provided account ID is incorrect. | Verify that the request body contains valid identifiers. |
404 | INVALID_CARD_ID | Provided card ID is incorrect. | Verify that the request body contains valid identifiers. |
400 | INVALID_DATE_RANGE | Provided date range is not supported by the Financial Institution. | Enter a date range of up to x days. |
400 | PARAMETER_ERROR | Your request body contains incorrect parameters. | Verify that your request body is properly formatted in accordance to our endpoints. |
422 | PARAMETER_MISSING | Your request body is missing necessary parameters. | Verify that your request body is properly formatted in accordance to our endpoints. |
Invalid Request Errors
These errors occur when the financial institution does not accept the requested operation. Please see error details below and attempt a different request.
HTTP Status Code | Error | Description | How to Handle |
401 | ACCOUNT_LOCKED | Account locked out due to too many failed login attempts. | Prompt the user to reset their password and try again. |
401 | INACTIVE_ACCOUNT | This account has been deactivated. | Prompt the user to contact their Financial Institution. |
401 | ACCOUNT_FEATURE_LOCKED | This operation is locked by the Financial Institution. | Contact your Financial Institution. |
500 | PRODUCT_NOT_SUPPORTED | The endpoint you are trying to connect is currently not supported. | Check api endpoint or Contact Brick |
Retryable Errors
These errors are usually caused by a failed connection to the Financial Institution or our servers. Please try the request again.
HTTP Status Code | Error | Description | How to Handle |
400 | UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_BANK | Failed attempt to connect to the user's Financial Institution. | Try again later. |
500 | UNKNOWN_ERROR | An unknown interruption occurred while performing your request. | Try again or contact Brick if problem persists |
500 | SERVER_ERROR | An unknown interruption occurred while performing your request. | Try again or contact Brick if problem persists |
401 | SESSION_INVALIDATED | Your user's session has expired or been terminated by the Financial Institution. | Retry the request. |
400 | USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN | This Financial Institution does not support concurrent login. | Prompt the user to log in again or try again later. |
503 | TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE | An error occurred due to financial institution downtime. | Try again. |
404 | NOT_FOUND | The endpoint you are trying to connect is currently not supported. | Check the api endpoint or contact Brick. |
Customized error codes and error messages
If you are getting an unsuccessful response, There may be many reasons. To understand the errors in the easiest way we have added two fields(ie: error_code and error_message) in the response.
"Error_code" is the unique code for any error and "error_message" is details about that error.
Below is a structure of Unsuccessful responses.
"status": XXX,
"error_code": "XXXX",
"message": "Description of error",
"error_message": "New description of error",
"data": "Response data"
Explanation for every field.
Status - HTTP/HTTPS status code
error_code - Brick customized status code
message - Old description of the error
error_message - New description of the error
data - Relevant data as per the request.
Below is a list of possible "error_codes" that can be returned, along with "error_message" for better understanding the error.
Error_code | Error_message | Solutions |
0001 | Invalid public-access-token | Please use valid public access token |
0002 | Invalid user-access-token | Please use valid user access token |
0003 | Parameter from and to are mandatory | Please provide from and to parameter while using brick products |
0004 | Invalid date (invalid from date (from = 12 months back from present)) | It varies from a financial institution to another, Some institutions provide data from previous twelve months and some provide for previous six months, So please request brick products with Valid range. |
0005 | Date parameter format is invalid | Date format in not valid, Please use(DD-MM-YYYY) |
0006 | An account is already logged in. Please try again in 10 minutes | Please wait and request after 10 minutes. |
0007 | This account is dormant account. No data available from user account | Please activate provided account number to use it properly. |
0008 | Invalid Authorization | Please try with valid access tokens |
0009 | From date is more than a certain period | It varies from a financial institution to another, Some provide data from previous twelve months and some provide for previous six months, So please request API with valid date range. |
0010 | A server crash or any unexpected behavior, Please try after some time. | Please try after some time. |
0011 | Call back is not available | Please add callback URL through dashboard to use APIs. |
0012 | Invalid sessionId | Please recall the API to generate valid sessionId. |
0013 | Invalid Token | Please recall the API to generate valid token. |
0014 | Missing sessionId | Please add sessionId in request. |
0015 | Missing token | Please add token in request. |
0016 | Client not authorized | You can not authorized to use this service. Please contact Brick sales team. |
0017 | Data cannot be retrieved / Service unavailable / Element not found | Please try after some time. |
0018 | Account blocked | Please contact Institution and unblock the account before using Brick products. |
0019 | Missing requestId | Please use RequestId in API request |
0020 | Invalid requestId | Please use valid RequestId in API |
0021 | Service unavailable | Please try after some time |
0022 | Session expired | Session expire, Please try after some time |
1002 | Invalid Bank account credential | Please use valid bank credentials while requesting data from Brick products. |
1003 | Missing parameter institutionId | Please add InstitutionsId in request |
1004 | Missing parameter username | Please add username in request |
1005 | Missing parameter password | Please add password in request |
1006 | Invalid institution id | Please use valid institutions ID in Request |
1007 | Missing uniqueId | Please add uniqueId in request |
1008 | Missing sessionId | Please add sessionId in request |
1009 | Missing OTP token | Please add OTP token in request |
1010 | Missing OTP | Please add OTP in request |
1011 | Missing redirectRefId | Please add Redirect Ref Id in request |
1012 | Data cannot be retrieved / Service unavailable / Element not found | Please try after some time. |
1013 | Missing RefId | Please add RefId in request |
1014 | Missing deviceId | Please add deviceId in request |
1015 | Missing otpNumber | Please add otpNumber in request |
1016 | Missing pin | Please add pin in request |
1017 | Invalid OTP | Please use valid OTP that user got from institution |
1018 | Invalid PIN | Please use valid pin of institution |
1019 | Invalid username (E-wallet) | Please use valid username of institution |
1020 | Invalid refId | Please use valid refId |
1021 | Invalid deviceId | Please use valid deviceId, DeviceId in unique mobile Id. |
1022 | Invalid uniqueId | Please use valid unique Id of Institution |
1023 | Invalid otpToken | Please use OTP token that use got from Institution |
1024 | Invalid / Wrong OTP code | Please use OTP that use got from Institution |
1025 | Invalid phone number format | Please use correct formatted phone number |
1026 | Phone number is not registered | Please use valid phone number that is connected with Institutions. |
1027 | Invalid credentials with suggestion | Please follow the suggestions given in response message. |
2002 | Parameter accountId is mandatory | Please add accountId Id in request |
2005 | Service is unavailable. Please try again | Please try after some time. |
2006 | Account not found | Please request with valid account number, Provided account number is not valid. |
2008 | Account is not activated | Please activated the account before using. |
3005 | Service is unavailable. Please try again | Please try after some time. |
3007 | Data is not available between given timeframe | Please provide other timeframe to get the data from institutions |
Updated about 3 years ago