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🔡 Brick Glossary

It is important to start by defining some terms which you will need to be familiar with when interacting with Brick. Your end-users finances can be held in different financial institutions, and inside each institution, they might have several accounts. This is why it is important to look at the way we structure the information that you can access.

InstitutionAn Institution is a financial entity that Brick can access information from. It could be a bank, lender, securities broker, wallet or ecommerce provider etc.
LoginA Login is a set of credentials associated to an end-user access to an Institution. An example would be the username and password used to login to an online banking platform. Your end-users will need to login before you can access information from that specific end-user like Account information or Transaction details.
AccountAn Account is the representation of an account inside a financial institution. An end-user can have several Accounts inside each login. For example, one login can have one current account, one savings account, several credit cards and even loan or investment accounts.
TransactionA Transaction contains the detailed information of each movement inside an Account.
BalanceA Balance represents the financial status of an Account at a given time.
OwnerAn Owner represents the person who has access to a Login and is the owner of all the Accounts inside the Login.
StatementA statement represents a PDF file with account information and information about the transactions in a user's account.
Individual AccountAn individual account represents a personal Financial institution account held by an individual with a financial institution.
Corporate AccountA corporate account represents a Financial institution account held by a registered corporate entity with a financial institution.
IncomeAn Income represents a list of insights about the income of a user through its Financial institution account.
For example, the different income streams (salary, pension, benefits), the average monthly amount, the frequency, ...
InvoiceAn Invoice is the representation of an electronic invoice, that can be received or sent, by a business or an individual and has been uploaded to the fiscal institution website. Multiple INFLOW (invoice received) and OUTFLOW (invoice sent) invoices can be retrieved inside each login coming from a corporate Financial institution account.