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Tutorial: View Investment Data


In this section, you will learn how to connect with a financial institution and access your employment data like Employee Information, General Information, and Salary Information.

Brick is currently offering two environments:

  • Sandbox, a sandbox environment with test data perfect for test and development phases.
  • Production, a live environment used in production with real connections to institutions.

To generate your keys for each environment, have a look to our guide to get your Brick API keys or Sign Up now!


In the following examples we will use the sandbox environment.
Change the base URL to for each example to switch to production.

Step 1: Generate a JWT bearer token (Public access token)

Use your Sandbox API keys viz. a ClientID & ClientSecret with the generate public token api to get a JWT((JSON Web Token). This JWT or what we call a public access token can be used to launch the Brick widget and access institution list.

curl -u Client ID:Client Secret
    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {
        "access_token": "public-sandbox-b70bcf83-87a1-4f2c-8f2a-16d48021413a"

Response Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
access_tokenstringToken that is required to connect Brick API

Step 2: Launch Brick Widget (Option 1)

Use the JWT/public-access-token to launch the brick widget in your application and let your users connect their financial Institution accounts with your application.
To launch the brick UI widget you need to construct the URL in the following format-


Notice that the URL above is a newer version ( V1 ) of our Brick Widget that contained a new feature inside comparing to the old version. Currently, we still offer you our old Brick Widget where your end-user can only connect a single account at a time ( ) until further notice.

Therefore, we encourage you to integrate and experienced our newest feature on Brick Widget as soon as possible where your end-user have the ability to connect multiple accounts/institutions in single flow.

P.S : This feature would be very helpful for you to have as much information from the connected accounts/institutions from your end-users.

There are some optional parameters that can be added to above url for customizations which can be seen here.

Read the Brick Widget Section to see in-depth integration steps.

Step 2: API Connection (Option 2)

Use the JWT/public-access-token to authenticate your user via connection to our API with these inputs in order to generate clientId and redirectRefId which will be used in the next step in order to generate user-access-token from your user's account

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer public_access_token' \
--data-raw '{
    "institution_id": 41,
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "password": "password1234!"
Key ParameterData typeDescription
accessTokenStringPublic-access-token generated using your clientId and clientSecret
institution_idIntegerUnique Institution Id for every institutions, For Ajaib it's 41
usernameStringEnd-users username of Investment Platform account
passwordStringEnd-users password of Investment Platform account

If the authentication is successful, you will receive the success responses asking for additional authentication input which is PIN.

    "status": 428,
    "message": "a PIN is required by the institution to login",
    "data": {
        "sessionId": "675134b4-fe34-47dc-a5d0-05ec01264d1d-20220608160350",
        "username": "[email protected]  ",
        "duration": "50000"
Key ParameterData TypeDescription
sessionIdStringUnique Id that generated after successful connection
usernameStringEnd-users username of Investment Platform account
durationFloatDuration of the sessionId validity before it expired

After you get this response, you can proceed the authentication process to generate user-access-token with these inputs, the sessionId is the sessionId that was retrieved from the previous authentication request

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer public_access_token' \
--data-raw '{
    "institution_id": 41,
    "sessionId": "be0164de-060a-493f-b7c0-c40e4fe36ef3-2022060816090",
    "username": "[email protected]",
    "password": "password1234!",
    "pin": 5555
Key ParameterData TypeDescription
institutionIdIntegerUnique Institution Id for every institutions, For Ajaib it's 41
sessionIdStringUnique Id that generated after successful connection
usernameStringEnd-users username of Investment Platform account
passwordStringEnd-users password of Investment Platform account
pinIntegerEnd-users PIN of Investment Platform account

If the authentication is successful, you will receive the success responses along with the user-access-token

  "status": 200,
  "message": "OK",
  "data": {
    "accessToken": "user_access_token",
Key ParameterData TypeDescription
accessTokenIntegerAccess_token to identify end-users

Step 3: Profile Information

Retrieve investment account's profile data of your end-users.

Using the previously created user-access-token in Step 2, we can now retrieve the general information of the user.

  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer user-access-token'

Where, [user-access-token] is the access token generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header.

The api responds with accounts associated with the user who logged in using the Brick widget.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
		"lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
		"session": "valid",
    "data": {
        "sid": "IDD0706B572000",
        "name": "Pasek Sujana",
        "phone": "081806000000",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "risk_profile": "Low - Medium Risk",
        "bank_account": [
                "bank_name": "Bank Central Asia (BCA)",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4491320000",
                "balance": 0.0,
                "type": "Personal"
                "bank_name": "BCA",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4996740000",
                "balance": 133520.0,
                "type": "RDN"

Response Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
sidStringSingle Investor Identification number of the End User
nameStringName of the End User
phoneStringPhone Number of the End User
emailStringEmail of the End User
risk_profileStringRisk Profile of the End User
bank_nameStringBank Name of the End User's account
holderStringBank account holder's name
numberStringBank account's number
balanceFloatBank account's balance
typeStringBank account's type
(RDN / Personal)

Step 4: Portfolio Information

Retrieve investment account's portfolio data of your end-users.

Using the previously created user-access-token in Step 2, we can now retrieve the portfolio information list of users.

  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer user-access-token'

Where, [user-access-token] is the access token generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header.

The api responds with accounts associated with the user who logged in using the Brick widget.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
		"session": "valid",
    "data": [
            "asset_type": "stocks",
            "total_investment": 34200.0,
            "total_return": -5600.0,
            "return_percentage": "-14,07%",
            "equity_summary": 39800.0,
            "assets_list": [
                    "name": "CPRO",
                    "lot": 1.0,
                    "amount": 10000.0,
                    "total": 7300.0,
                    "percentage": "-27%",
                    "type": "",
                    "average_value": 100.0,
                    "current_value": 73.0,
                    "return": -2700.0
                    "name": "FREN",
                    "lot": 2.0,
                    "amount": 17600.0,
                    "total": 17200.0,
                    "percentage": "-2,27%",
                    "type": "",
                    "average_value": 88.0,
                    "current_value": 86.0,
                    "return": -400.0
                    "name": "KPIG",
                    "lot": 1.0,
                    "amount": 12200.0,
                    "total": 9700.0,
                    "percentage": "-20,49%",
                    "type": "",
                    "average_value": 122.0,
                    "current_value": 97.0,
                    "return": -2500.0
            "asset_type": "mutual_funds",
            "total_investment": 31093.0,
            "total_return": 1093.0,
            "return_percentage": "3,65%",
            "equity_summary": 30000.0,
            "assets_list": [
                    "name": "BNI AM Dana Likuid",
                    "lot": 5.8291,
                    "amount": 10000.0,
                    "total": 10084.0,
                    "percentage": "+0,84%",
                    "type": "Pasar Uang",
                    "average_value": 1716.0,
                    "current_value": 1730.0,
                    "return": 84.0
                    "name": "Syailendra Balanced Opportunity Fund Kelas A",
                    "lot": 6.2822,
                    "amount": 20000.0,
                    "total": 21010.0,
                    "percentage": "+5,05%",
                    "type": "Campuran",
                    "average_value": 3184.0,
                    "current_value": 3344.0,
                    "return": 1010.0

Response Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
asset_typeStringType of investment asset
(stocks / mutual funds / bonds)
total_investmentFloatThe total investment made for the asset type
total_returnFloatThe total return of the investment made
*can be negative
return_percentageStringThe return percentage of the investment made
*can be negative
equity_summaryFloatThe current equity summary of total investment added/subtracted to total return
assets_listStringThe list of the assets that falls under the asset type
nameStringThe name of the assets
(For example CPRO for stocks, BNI AM Dana Likuid for mutual funds)
lotFloatThe lot amount of the assets
amountFloatThe initial value amount of the assets
totalFloatThe current value amount of the assets
percentageStringThe return percentage of the assets
*can be negative
typeStringThe type of assets
(For mutual funds example: Pasar Uang, Pasar Saham)
average_valueFloatThe initial average value of the assets
current_valueFloatThe current value of the assets
returnFloatThe total return of the assets
*can be negative

Step 5: Transactions Information

Retrieve investment account's transactional data of your end-users.

Using the previously created user-access-token in Step 2, we can now retrieve the transactions list of users.

  -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer user-access-token'

Where, [user-access-token] is the access token generated after successful institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header and from with starting date that you want to retrieve from transaction from, and to with ending date that you want to retrieve your transaction to.

The api responds with accounts associated with the user who logged in using the Brick widget.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
		"session": "valid",
    "data": [
            "direction": "buy",
            "asset_type": "stocks",
            "name": "KPIG",
            "type": "",
            "date": "2022-02-10",
            "time": "1644484560",
            "lot": "1",
            "average_value": "122",
            "amount": "12200",
            "fee": "18",
            "status": "Done"
            "direction": "sell",
            "asset_type": "stocks",
            "name": "CPRO",
            "type": "",
            "date": "2022-02-10",
            "time": "1644484080",
            "lot": "1",
            "average_value": "103",
            "amount": "10300",
            "fee": "26",
            "status": "Done"
            "direction": "sell",
            "asset_type": "mutual_funds",
            "name": "Eastspring Investments Value Discovery Kelas A",
            "type": "Saham",
            "date": "2022-02-13",
            "time": "1644782640",
            "lot": "7.4062",
            "average_value": "1343",
            "amount": "9947",
            "fee": "0",
            "status": "Permintaan Penarikan Berhasil"
            "direction": "buy",
            "asset_type": "mutual_funds",
            "name": "Eastspring Investments Value Discovery Kelas A",
            "type": "Saham",
            "date": "2022-02-09",
            "time": "1644413220",
            "lot": "7.4062",
            "average_value": "1350",
            "amount": "10000",
            "fee": "0",
            "status": "Unit Diterima"

Response Parameter

Key ParameterData TypeDescription
directionStringThe direction of transaction made
(buy / sell)
asset_typeStringType of investment asset
(stocks / mutual_funds / bonds)
nameStringThe name of the assets
(For example CPRO for stocks, BNI AM Dana Likuid for mutual funds)
typeStringThe type of assets
(For mutual funds example: Pasar Uang, Pasar Saham)
dateDateThe date of the transaction made
timeStringThe time of the transaction made
lotFloatThe lot amount of the assets
average_valueFloatThe initial average value of the assets
amountFloatThe amount of the transaction
feeFloatThe fee of the transaction
statusStringThe status of the transaction

Step 6: Refresh Expired Session and Retrieve Transactions

When the investment account session is expired, Brick will return the last updated transaction data of the user with the specified time of the update in the "lastUpdateAt" variables, for example "lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700" as well as the status of the session itself in the "session" variable, for example "session": "expired" or "valid".

Let's take the Profile APIs for example:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
		"lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
		"session": "expired",
    "data": {
        "sid": "IDD0706B572000",
        "name": "Pasek Sujana",
        "phone": "081806000000",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "risk_profile": "Low - Medium Risk",
        "bank_account": [
                "bank_name": "Bank Central Asia (BCA)",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4491320000",
                "balance": 0.0,
                "type": "Personal"
                "bank_name": "BCA",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4996740000",
                "balance": 133520.0,
                "type": "RDN"

When the session variable returns "expired", client needs to refresh the investment account session and access the fresh transaction data, there's two steps that needs to be done:

1. Making a POST request to trigger an OTP to be sent to user

curl --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer user_access_token' \

Where [user-access-token] is the access token generated after successful Financial Institution connection through the widget which needs to be passed as the Bearer token in the Authorization header.

After you have click the send POST request, you will get JSON response like the following and an OTP will be sent to users.

    "status": 428,
    "message": "An OTP is required by the institution to login",
    "data": {
        "sessionId": "iy1eEwyo1N6R7S8zDuHOKMHxYGpo9U",
        "requestId": "00b58118-cedf-47c6-9c82-6e656fbdbe42",
        "token": null,
        "duration": 180000
Key ParameterData TypeDescription
sessionIdStringSession identification of that request
requestIdStringRequest identification of that request
durationFloatDuration expiration for sessionId

2. Making a PATCH request and providing the sessionId that is received from previous POST request and OTP that is sent to user after making previous POST request

Using the sessionId retrieved from the previous request, the OTP that is sent to user and also the specified from and to date, you can use it to make a new PATCH request to the following link

curl --request PATCH '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer user_access_token' \
--form 'token="1111"' \
--form 'sessionId="whVOGr1SpBNFH0dJ3PjupheSWXU31t"'

The api responds with accounts associated with the user who logged in using the Brick widget and a "valid" session due to the previous POST and PATCH API Process.

    "status": 200,
    "message": "OK",
		"lastUpdateAt": "2022-01-04 16:42 GMT+0700",
		"session": "valid",
    "data": {
        "sid": "IDD0706B572000",
        "name": "Pasek Sujana",
        "phone": "081806000000",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "risk_profile": "Low - Medium Risk",
        "bank_account": [
                "bank_name": "Bank Central Asia (BCA)",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4491320000",
                "balance": 0.0,
                "type": "Personal"
                "bank_name": "BCA",
                "holder": "Pasek Sujana",
                "number": "4996740000",
                "balance": 133520.0,
                "type": "RDN"

For more APIs Reference, please access it through Investment Data APIs


Using this step by step guide you have been able to get a first preview on Brick's API for investment data and how to integrate Brick in your website or application