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Once you get the user access token using the widget, The Account endpoint allows developers to retrieve data associated with the specified ‘account_id’ in their backend.

  "data": {
    "method": "GET",
    "api": "/v2/data/account/detail",
    "job_id": "GYGJ4Tbb03371498",
    "last_updated_at": "1662103375848",
    "message": "We are able to fetch account details for you",
    "session": "valid",
    "account_details": {
      "account_holder": "Taufic Hidayat",
      "account_id": "XH3c7dtoskIqAmEbwHAM7Q==",
      "account_number": "8831355336",
      "address": null,
      "email": null,
      "ktp_number": null,
      "phone_number": null,
      "type": "Savings",
      "balances": {
        "available": 2195258.5,
        "current": 2195258.5,
        "limit": null
      "currency": "IDR"
  "metadata": {
    "entity": "Data",
    "source": "API"
  "error": null,
  "status": 200

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
last_updated_atStringThe time stamp of when the data is last updated
sessionStringThe session status of the particular accounts to the institution
account_details-emailStringEmail of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
account_details-addressStringAddress of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
account_details-phone_numberStringPhone number of account holder (only available for selected institutions)
account_details-ktp_numberStringUser's KTP number
account_details-account_idStringAccount Identification number from end-user's bank account
account_details-account_holderStringAccount holder from end-user's bank account
account_details-account_numberStringAccount number from end-user's bank account
account_list-typeStringType of account
account_list-currencyStringCurrency of Account
account_details-balances-availableFloatEnd-user's balance amount that is available to use
account_details-balances-currentFloatEnd-user's balance amount that includes "balances-available" and "on-hold amount"
account_list-balances-limitFloatCredit limit of account, It will be only applicable to Credit card account