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Standalone APIs for clients to consume of QRIS product. This API will help clients to create new dynamic QRIS for clients.

Request Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
publicAccessTokenStringOne time access-token generated using the authentication API
referenceIdStringUnique reference of Transactions from client side. Maximum length of 25 characters
amountNumberAmount that clients wants to transfer, between Rp1.000 - Rp10.000.000.
validityPeriodStringValue in seconds. The validity period must be between 600 seconds (10 minutes) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours) from the creation time.

If not provided, the default validity period time is 24 hours. Any request exceeding 24 hours will be automatically adjusted to 24 hours.

When set to 86,400 seconds (24 hours), the actual expiry time of the generated QRIS may vary between 600 seconds (10 minutes) and 86,400 seconds (24 hours). Please refer to the response for the exact expiry time.

*The validityPeriod parameter is intended for time-sensitive transactions. If you need a different expiry logic, please contact the Brick team.
*The expiry time is now dynamically enforced to a maximum of 24 hours to prevent excessively long transactions.

Response Parameters

Key parametersData typeDescription
idStringUnique transaction ID generated by Brick.
referenceIdStringUnique transaction reference provided by the client to track each QR code.
amountNumberTransaction amount requested by the client.
createdAtDate TimeTimestamp when the QRIS code was created.
expiredAtDate TimeActual expiry timestamp of the QRIS code. If the requested validity period exceeds 24 hours, this will be adjusted to 24 hours.
qrDataStringQRIS dynamic data that can be scanned for payment.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!