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The Disbursement callback will return the transaction information with updated status information.

  "data": {
    "id": "asdasd123123asdasdasd",
    "type": "disbursement",
    "attributes": {
      "referenceId": "test-disbursement-1",
      "description": "test-disbursement-1",
      "amount": "29999",
      "status": "completed",
      "createdAt": "2022-07-21T13:49:39.752+07:00",
      "disbursementMethod": {
        "type": "bank_transfer",
        "bankAccountNo": "5245039024",
        "bankShortCode": "BCA",
        "bankAccountHolderName": "PROD ONLY",
        "bankName" : "Bank Central Asia"
  "data": {
    "id": "65f929a62bb14c6caa6dfa2f8",
    "type": "disbursement",
    "attributes": {
      "referenceId": "Brick123455",
      "description": "semoga berhasil",
      "amount": "39999",
      "status": "failed",
      "createdAt": "2022-08-26T10:45:56.000+07:00",
      "errorCode": "unexpected_behaviour",
      "errorReason": "We are facing some problem, Please reach out to Brick support team.",
      "disbursementMethod": {
        "type": "bank_transfer",
        "bankAccountNo": "210000",
        "bankShortCode": "LINKAJA",
        "bankAccountHolderName": "PROD ONLY",
        "bankName": ""

Please note when you setup your callback endpoint :

  • Callback method : POST
  • Content type : app/json
  • Add whitelist to Brick server for secure connection

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData typeDescription
idStringUnique identifier
typeStringType of transaction
statusStringThe status of disbursement
createdAtTimeStampTime at which the response was created.
amountIntegerAmount of money to be disbursed
referenceIdStringA unique reference ID as a unique identifier
descriptionStringAn arbitrary string attached to the object. Often useful for displaying to users what the transaction was for. Description length limit is 255 chars.
disbursementMethodTypeStringCurrently only support bank transfer
bankAccountNoStringAccount number of the user
bankShortCodeStringInstitution short code of the user
bankAccountHolderNameStringAccount name that the funds are intended to be sent to.
bankNameStringName of the Institutions
settlementStatusStringStatus of the transaction