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Get Average Balance - Async Response

{ "status": 200, "data":{ "message": "We are able to fetch data", "method":"GET", "api":"/v2/data/avg-balance”, "job_id": "KVWJUrwQ78333309", "count": {{number of objects in avg-balance}}, "balances":[ { "institution_id": 5, "account_id": "OrUIr5KQnhJFoHxOMPxUlw==", "beginning_balance": 1000, "avg_balance": 6935.48, "ending_balance": 0, "month": "01", "year": "2021" }, { "institution_id": 5, "account_id": "OrUIr5KQnhJFoHxOMPxUlw==", "beginning_balance": 0, "avg_balance": 41607.14, "ending_balance": 35000, "month": "02", "year": "2021" } ] }, "metadata":{ "entity": "Insight", "source": {{API/Widget/Dashboard/SDK/Portal}} }, "error":null }

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
balances-institution_idIntegerUnique Identification number of the institution
balances-account_idStringEnd-user account number that is used to do the transaction
balances-beginning_balanceFloatStarting balance for month
balances-avg_balanceFloatAverage balance for month
balances-ending_balanceFloatEnding balance of month
balances-monthFloatMonth for which data is given
balances-yearFloatMonth for which data is given
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