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This API furnishes the data on monthly basics and helps you get the Beginning balance, Ending balance, Daily balance, Average balance, Income source, and expenses destination.

      "message":"We are able to fetch data",
      "job_id": "KVWJUrwQ78333309",  
      "count":{{"number of objects in summary"}}
                  "source":"John Doe",
                  "source":"Doe John",
                  "source":"Doe John",
                  "source":"John Doe",

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
summary-institution_idIntegerInstitution identification number
summary-account_idStringAccount Identification number from end-user's financial account
summary-beginning_balanceFloatBalance on the first day of each month
summary-avg_balanceFloatBalance at the end of each day and divides it by the number of calendar days
summary-ending_balanceFloatBalance on the last day of each month
summary-monthStringReturn Historical Balance based on this month
summary-yearStringReturns Historical Balance based on this year
summary-monthly_total_income-total_incomeFloatTotal amount of money received in one month
summary-monthly_total_income-credit_transactionFloatTotal inbound transaction in one month
summary-monthly_total_expense-total_expenseFloatTotal amount of money sent in one month
summary-monthly_total_expense-debit_transactionFloatotal outbound transaction in one month
summary-daily_balance-dateDate(DD-MM-YYYY)Date for daily transactions
summary-daily_balance-balanceFloatDaily balances
summary-minimum_daily_balanceFloatMinimum balance for any day
summary-maximum_daily_balanceFloatMaximum balance for any day
summary-top_income-sourceStringSource of income received by the user
summary-top_income-frequencyFloatTotal inbound transaction received by the user from the particular source
summary-top_income-total_amountFloatTotal amount of money received by the user from the particular source
summary-top_expense-sourceStringDestination of outbound transaction done by the user
summary-top_expense-frequencyFloatTotal outbound transaction done by the user to the particular source
summary-top_expense-total_amountFloatTotal amount of money sent by the user to the particular source