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This API helps you to get past companies' data of your end-users.

      "message":"We are successfully able to fetch the data",
      "job_id": "KVWJUrwQ78333309",  
         "name":"John Doe",
         "address":"Jl sudirman",
         "count":{{"Objects in bpjs_cards"}},

Response Parameters

Key ParametersData TypeDescription
card_details-nameStringName of the account holder
card_details-ktp_numberStringKTP number of the end user
card_details-npwpNumberStringTax Identification number of the end user
(only applicable for DJP account)
card_details-dobDate(DD-MM-YYYY)Date of birth of the end user
card_details-phone_numberStringPhone number of the end user
card_details-addressStringAddress of the end user
card_details-genderStringGender of the end user
(only applicable for BPJS account)
card_details-total_balanceStringTotal balance of the account holder
(only applicable for BPJS account)
card_details-bpjs_cards-numberStringBPJS number of the end user
(only applicable for BPJS account)
card_details-bpjs_cards-balanceStringBalance of each registered BPJS card
(only applicable for BPJS account)
card_details-typeStringThe type of data source, "bpjs-tk" for BPJS account and "tax" for DJP account
card_details-institution_idIntegerUnique Institution Id for every institutions