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Employment Data

Employment products help to provide information on employment, Income, and history of an organization where user worked. It has information like name, company name, salary, working month, status, ktp number, bpjs card number, npwp number, phone number, total balance, dob, phone number, address.

Our new version of APIs(v2) is callback-based APIs, So if you have not set up a callback URL till now, Please set it from brick dashboard.

Employment Data APIs

Here we list all APIs under our employment data collection that can be used to get the employment and income data from a user.

Employment dataGETThe Employment Info endpoint returns all of employment history details for an end user.

This information only applicable for all BPJS user who has not withdrawn their BPJS balance and DJP user who has filed for tax report before.
General InfoGETThe General Info endpoint returns profile details from an end user.
Income InfoGETThe Salary Info endpoint returns Income history (gross salary) details from end user. It returns the latest three months data from each employer for BPJS and the latest three years data from each employer for DJP