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Postman Collection

Trying Brick API using postman is the quickest way to understand Brick payment API capability.

See Brick postman collection from this link.

You can follow step below to guide you to install Brick postman collection to your Postman app.

1. Download postman app

Using Postman app you can test API functionality without need to coding a single line of code. You can download postman app from this downloads page.

2. Import Brick postman collection to your postman

You can see Brick postman collection in this link. Open your postman app, click on button import and paste link of Brick postman collection. System will import the Brick collection to your postman collection.

3. See Brick postman collection in your postman app

You can see there are 5 folders for each Brick API functionality. You can now play around with Brick API using this postman collection.

Next step, you can follow guide in the :

  1. Prepare yourself to use API section
  2. Quickstart for payment out API