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Error Handling

Client Side Errors

TypeReasonStatus codeCode
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedUsername & password in not correct(in Auth API)401missing_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedPublic token is invalid401invalid_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedPublic token is missing401missing_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedPublic token is expire401expired_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedUser access token is invalid401invalid_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedUser access token is missing401missing_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedUser access token is expire401expired_parameters_in_headers
Unauthorised/UnauthenticatedUnauthorised access to transaction401unauthorized_access
ForbiddenUser access token is not mapped with Public access token(Client)403client_not_authorized
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameter is missing in request(Either one or more parameters)400missing_parameters_in_request
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameters are not incorrect(If value is not correct)400wrong_parameters_in_request
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameters are not incorrect (If value is not valid)400invalid_parameters_in_request
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameters are not in correct format400incorrect_format_of_parameters_in_request
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameter are not in correct type(Wrong type of parameters) in request400incorrect_type_of_parameters_in_request
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Callback is not available400missing_callback_url
Bad Request(Parameters is missing or Invalid)Parameters is expired400expired_parameters_in_request
Unprocessable requestDormant user422inactive_user
Unprocessable requestConcurrent user/ Session is available is other device400session_available_in_other_device
Resource not availableNot authorised to complete the request404feature_not_available
Source is not authorisedRequest is not from whitelisted IP401ip_not_whitelisted
Rate limit exceededMore number of request than rate limit401rate_limit_exceeded
Method not allowedWrong method405method_not_allowed

Server Side Errors

TypeReasonStatus CodeCode
Service unavailableService unavailable (Brick)500service_unavailable
Service unavailableService unavailable (Institution level)500institution_not_available
Unexpected behaviourData can not retrieved500unexpected_behaviour
Unexpected behaviourInternal crash500unexpected_behaviour
Server unavailableServer unavailable500server_unavailabl

Callback Errors

Here are the list of errors that you might get when receiving callback.

Error CodeError Detail CodeMessageCategoryReasonAction
4000100bad_requestGeneral request failedFailedThere was an issue with the request format or data, which led to a failure. Check for any missing or incorrect fields.Verify the request parameters and retry the request.
4030102amount_limit_not_eligibleExceeds or Below Transaction Amount LimitFailedThe requested amount is either above or below the permitted transaction limit. Ensure the amount falls within acceptable thresholds.Adjust the transaction amount to meet eligible limits and retry.
4030103suspected_fraudSuspected fraudFailedThe transaction triggered a fraud detection alert. Further review is needed to confirm the transaction's legitimacy.Contact support to review this transaction.
4040111invalid_bank_accountBank account invalidFailedThe bank account information provided is invalid. Double-check the account number and try again.Verify the bank account details and resubmit the request.
5000100general_errorGeneral errorFailedA general error occurred while processing the request. This may be due to a temporary issue on our end.Please wait and retry again. If issue persists, please contact customer support.
5000102general_external_errorExternal server error (hanging transaction)PendingAn external server error caused the transaction to hang, leaving the status pending. This issue will require manual reconciliation to ensure the transaction is processed correctly.Please contact support for manual reconciliation.
5040100timeoutTimeout (hanging transaction)PendingThe transaction request timed out due to a prolonged delay, and the status remains pending. Manual reconciliation is necessary to confirm the final transaction outcome.Contact support for manual reconciliation of the pending transaction.