Brick payment out integration flow
Basic integration of payment out should be include recipient account validation process and create payment out process. If you need to automate process to handle certain errors you can also integration checking latest status process to your product to make user experience more seamless.
Sequential diagram below show you how payment out integration between your system and Brick system will be look like.

Brick give you the most reliable payment out feature
Brick is an aggregator, it means we are integrating with lots of banks and payment gateway. Brick maintaining our robust payment routing system to make sure every transaction created will always go through the best and the cheapest connection. This aggregator system will provide access to our system 24/7 with the best reliability up to 99.9% success rate.

Payment out API or payment out via dashboard is on demand feature that means you only need to pay payment out based on number of your complete transactions. You can top up you balance to your account and do payment out, your balance will be deducted based on amount you were transferred plus the transfer fee and VAT (PPn).
You can check all Brick features pricing scheme in the pricing page here.
Whether you are big corporation that needs thousand payment out daily or SMEs that need dashboard to manage all your financial operations need, Brick always try to give you the best price in the industry while always maintain the most reliable payment out aggregation system.
If you have huge amount of payment out, you can contact us and we can discuss it with you.
Using Brick you can do payment out to all major banks in Indonesia and 150+ other banks. Check out list of our supported bank destination in the link below.
Updated 4 months ago